Step 6

Add two files to the working directory, style.css and script.js, with no content (empty files).

Link to these files in index.html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="script.js"></script>

I want to commit all changes made to the repository through a single commit command. However, style.css and script.js are not yet staged for changes. Therefore, I must explicitly add them using the git add command. (Don't run the command on your computer, not yet!)

git add style.css script.js

Alternatively, we can use the following command (wildcard notion): (Don't run the command on your computer, not yet!)

git add .

The git add . will add all changed and untracked files to the staging area (to be committed). Be careful with this command! It will add "all" files, including those you probably don't intend to include (such as system files), to your Git repository. To avoid this, we will supply a .gitignore file first.