Step 7

A .gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore.

Create a file named .gitignore in sleeptime-git folder (notice the leading dot). I am going to add the following content to this file


My computer is a MacBook; the macOS generates system files .DS_Store and __MACOSX, which are typically hidden (so you will not see them by default, but Git will see and track them unless you tell it not to).

You can use this online tool to generate gitignore for different operating systems, project environments, etc.

Let's commit the .gitignore to our repository: (Now run the command on your computer!)

git add .gitignore 
git commit -m "Add gitignore"

Now, add and commit the changes made to our project earlier!

git add .
git commit -m "Link to external CSS and script files."