Step 6

Let's add tests for the authentication feature!

Create a subfolder routes inside tests. Next, add auth.test.js file to this subfolder with the following content:

const supertest = require("supertest");
const app = require("../../server");

const request = supertest(app);

describe("Test authentication endpoints", () => {

  describe("Test /authenticate", () => {
    test("Return 400 when username is missing", async () => {

    test("Return 400 when password is missing", async () => {

    test("Return 403 when username is incorrect", async () => {

    test("Return 403 when password is incorrect", async () => {

    test("Return 200 when authentication is sucessfull", async () => {


    test("Return a JWT when authentication is sucessfull", async () => {


We will implement the tests in the following sections.