Step 2

Now that you have created an account with AccuWeather, you must register your application with them to access their API.

On the landing page, click on the "MY APPS" tab, as shown below.

If you have never registered an app with AccuWeather, your My Apps page will be empty. Click on the "+ Add a new App" button as shown below.

Please provide the relevant information about your app (the one we will build) similar to what is shown below. Please make sure to select "Limited Trial" for the "Product."

Once the app is registered, you will see it in your list of apps.

Click on the app name; among the information, you will find the API key (blurred in the image below).

The API Key is a string of (apparently) random characters. It is unique to your registered application, and you must use it when connecting to AccuWeather API. (More on this later!)