Step 26

Let's add the following method to the App class.

updateDefinitionsAndPhonetics = (data) => {
  this.setState({ });

This function is simply a wrapper around setState which recieves data and triggers a state update.

Let's pass the updateDefinitionsAndPhonetics as a prop to the Search component.

  render() {
    return (
        <Header />
-       <Search />
+       <Search updateUI={this.updateDefinitionsAndPhonetics} />
        <Phonetics phonetics={this.state.phonetics} />
        <Definitions meanings={this.state.meanings} />
        <Footer />

Next, let us update the Search component to pass the data it fetches from the Free Dictionary API to the updateUI method.

  fetchDefinitions = async (event) => {
    const dictionaryAPI = "";
    const wordToDefine = this.state.word;
    try {
      const response = await axios.get(`${dictionaryAPI}${wordToDefine}`);
      const data =;
-     console.log(data[0]);
+     this.props.updateUI(data[0]);
    } catch (err) {

Save the changes you have made and visit the running app in the browser. Try to search for the definition of a word!

And with that, we have completed the Dictionary App 🎉