Step 5

Let's add a Markdown editor to our UpsertNote component.

First, stop the server and install the following libraries.

npm install react-simplemde-editor easymde

Next, update the UpsertNote.js file.

  1. Import the react-simplemde-editor library and its stylesheet:
import SimpleMDE from "react-simplemde-editor";
import "easymde/dist/easymde.min.css";
  1. Update where the UpsertNote.js as follows:
-  <Paper elevation={3} style={styles.paper}>
-    <FormControl fullWidth>
-      <TextField
-        label="Text"
-        multiline
-        rows={6}
-        variant="outlined"
-        value={this.state.text}
-        onChange={this.updateText}
-      />
-    </FormControl>
-  </Paper>
+ <SimpleMDE value={this.state.text} onChange={this.updateText} />
  1. Update the updateText method:
- updateText = (event) => {
+ updateText = (value) => {
-     text:,
+     text: value,

Now save the files and run the app.


The [`remark-gfm`]( plugin enables `react-markdown` to render [GitHub Flavored Markdown](