An ES6 Module is just a file!

ES6 Modules can be used to create scope. All you need to do is tell the browser to consider script.js as a "module."

<script type="module" src="script.js"></script>

Notice the use of type="module" attribute in the <script> element.

Modules work only via HTTP(s), not in local files. If you try to open a web page locally, via file:// protocol, you'll find that scripts attributed as "module" are blocked by CORS policy. Use a local web-server such as VSCode Live Server extension to test modules.

As seen in the image below, you will not be able to access the number variable.

Notice the content of script.js is still simply the following two lines:

// script.js file
const number = 2;

With ES6 modules, each file has its scope. To make values (objects, functions, classes, etc.) available to the outside world, you must first export the value and then import it where needed in other modules (files).